What is it about?
The existing programming environments assure not only the computerization, but also the reconsideration of the onset
mode of some calculus types. The identification of physical objects as mathematical objects, which express their properties
in an abstract form, has become a natural trend. Besides the data types existing in the numbers theory, the high level programming
languages allow the definition of new artificial data types, i.e. abstract data types
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It is possible to represent a sinusoidal quantity through two real numbers in two manners:
a phasor (rotating vector): with module (V) and angle (phase, θ)
a complex number: with real part (a) and imaginary part (b)
The mathematical model for complex quantities as abstract data types, containing the domain, the operations set and further information, is given
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The defined mathematical structures were implemented as objects in an original software which allows manipulating complex
quantities by directly using of common operators like "+", "-", "*" and "/".
Short presentation of the program.
For any electric quantity (A, B, ..., L), we can assign a complex numerical value (RE, IM) or a relationship (written into the edit line).
How it works? A practical example for electrical engineering.
Suppose that we know, for an electric power line, both impedances, positive sequence (Z1) and zero sequence (Z0):
Z0 = 27.21+j106.61 (Ohm) --> object C
Z1 = 11.04 + j31.51 (Ohm) --> object D
We can compute the earth-return compensation factor: K0 = (Z0-Z1) / (Z1*3) by writing the required relationships in the edit lines of objects E, F and G. Click on RUN button.
K0 = 0.7610 - j 0.0956 --> object G (as a complex number)
We can see K0 as a phasor too --> Move the value of G in Input Output panel and click on radio button (module, angle).
K0 = 0.7670 /_ 7.1602 deg.
Read also:
Data Sheet
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