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Genetic algorithm based on connected graphs for distribution system reconfiguration
  • One of the most effective methods for distribution systems reconfiguration
  • Obtains optimal solution in reduced computational time
  • Suitable for real time applications
  • Tested with IEEE power distribution test systems
  • Electric Power Systems Research

    What is it about?

    Power distribution systems are operated in radial configurations. Reconfiguration represents one of the most important actions for improvement of system performance in operation.

    In smart grids, equipped with control, protection, automation and power quality monitoring complex systems, the reconfiguration can be automated without the disconnection of consumers during the manoeuvres. Not least, in the context of smart grids, intra-day system reconfiguration can also be performed.

    reconfiguration problem

    Nowadays, the reconfiguration is specified in some strategies for smart grids, e.g. those of the International Electrotechnical Commission and the European Commission.

    How it works?

    The most important thing is how the specific knowledge of the problem domain is used and modeled in the implementation.

    The algorithm is based on several innovative ideas which make it unique, fast and effective:
    • The representation of power system using the branches lists instead of matrices of nodes adjacency or nodes-branches incidence
    • The introducing of a single compact fictitious source term in order to simplify those systems which contain more than one source node
    • The checking of the system structure using the union-find procedure and, consequently, the running of power flow algorithm just on valid radial configurations
    • Implementation of the selection operator by using the ecological niche method in order to detect a variety of optimum points (ecological niches);
    • Implementation of the crossover operator where the number of cut points is equal with cyclomatic number – 1
    • Implementation of the mutation operator which ensures n-1 branches in operation (the first condition, for a configuration, in order to be a tree)
    • Implementation of the inversion operator which makes branch-exchanges (for not connected configurations)

    For more, please read the main ideas on ScienceDirect or here (for free).

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    Algorithm for Pareto optimal reconfiguration of power distribution systems
  • The first Pareto optimal approach for distribution systems reconfiguration
  • Supports distributed generators and microgrids
  • Click here for more details >>
    Balkan Power Conference 2008

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